Privacy at Bloomreach
At Bloomreach, we understand that privacy is a fundamental human right. We also understand the value of data-driven decisions. Therefore, our products and services are designed to provide your customers with magical experiences driven by the information they are happy to provide.

Our Solution
Privacy Culture
We aim to create a strong privacy culture among our employees, and strongly believe that every Bloomreacher is an essential part of ensuring the fundamental right of privacy for our customers.
This culture is present at all stages of the employee lifecycle, starting with on‑boarding sessions, through the annual privacy training, all the way to company events for raising awareness. This shows our commitment to keep the data of our customers secure.
Bloomreach has valid certifications to show how seriously we take the topics of security and compliance.
HOLD'EM Close to Your Heart
We believe that privacy should be a top priority for every person working with personal data. Therefore, we live by a set of privacy principles that facilitates a data privacy mindset for all. These principles are based on the standards introduced by GDPR, CCPA, ISO, and SOC and greatly capture the essence of these regulations, while providing a simple way to apply them across our company. All of our employees are trained on application of HOLD’EM principles in their daily work. An extended training program for our clients is available as a part of Bloomreach academy, too.
Be clear about what you collect and why.
Seek your customer’s consent and respect their requests.
Stay within legal limits.
Defend data from anyone and anything.
Maintain data accurately and keep it up to date.
Keep only what you need.